- What is your name / organization / title?
- What motivated you to become a maker?
My older brother exposed me to skateboarding and punk and all the DIY that goes along with those things
- Looking back on the early stages of your journey, what advice would you give yourself now?
Look out for number 1, don’t step in number 2.
- What is your favorite thing you’ve ever made? Why?
A mural, skate deck and t-shirt graphic for Three Amigos Skate Shop and Sailor Jerry Rum in London. These are like all of my favorite things in one project! I got flown to London to spray paint sharks on a skate shop and made some amazing new friends doing what I love!
- What’s the next evolution for you (or your industry) going to look like?
I feel like my industry is almost exclusively on Instagram and it’s feeling a bit overcrowded. Maybe the future will be returning to small community based scenes if we can get this fucking virus outta here.
- Who would you partner with (living or dead) for your dream collaboration? And what would you work on together?
I feel really lucky to have collaborated with my bud Sketchy Tank for his brand Lurking Class and also Santa Cruz Skateboards. Those have both been super rewarding. But if I had to choose a dream collab it would be really cool to work on set design for King Diamond or Iron Maiden. They have killer stage sets with awesome visuals.
- You're on death row and it's time for your final meal. What'll ya have?
A half dozen North Atlantic raw oysters, Carne asada fries San Diego style, a Chicago style hot dog, a pickled egg, a couple Jell-O shots, a Schlitz Tallboy, and a Vermont maple creemie soft serve. Those farts should take out the executioner with me!
- In a world where you have two hands, all of your pets and loved ones are safe, and your studio is on fire, what do you try to save?
The original art on paper and my skateboard stash!
- What is one piece of pop culture (movie, tv, artwork, song, etc.) that no matter how many times you return to it you still draw excitement, movement, or inspiration?
STREET TRASH! Killer special effects, soundtrack, humor and SLIME!
- I love useless facts. Impress me with a seriously useless fact!
Juvenile bald eagles are brown, the white head and tail happen when they reach adulthood.
- If you could try any profession other than your own, what would you choose to do?
Lobster fisherman
- What is your personal strategy/philosophy when it comes to using social media for your work?
I’ve stopped being super personally involved with social media and decided to focus more on the world around me. I would recommend it! I still use it as a great tool to show people my work but I try to resist its pull as much as possible.
- Speaking of social media, where can people find you?
Instagram: @tallboy666 and my shop @nightwatchstudios
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