- What is your name / organization / title?
Daniel Duke / songwriter and musician
- What motivated you to become a maker?
When I was growing up I was surrounded by wonderful music and I always wanted to learn how to make it myself. The idea that you could create something from nothing has always felt so exciting to me. I started playing music when I was 11 and writing at 13, and I still get the same rush from writing/recording new music 17 years later.
- Looking back on the early stages of your journey, what advice would you give yourself now?
I'd definitely tell myself that there's a million opportunities to make a good living out of music and to explore some of those avenues earlier. It took me a long time to discover the publishing industry and I still feel like I'm only just getting my teeth into it!
- What is your favorite thing you’ve ever made? Why?
My favourite thing I've ever made is an unreleased track that I wrote last year. It's a really exciting track that I think is the summation of a lot of learning, development and experience from the last few years. I can't wait to share it with the rest of the world!
- What’s the next evolution for you (or your industry) going to look like?
I've spent the last few years concentrating hard on an “artist career” – releasing albums, booking tours and building my brand. This has been a blast but what I've been working on recently is publishing, synch and writing for other folks. With little support for the live music industry during COVID and restrictions on venues and crowd sizes, live music is going to be hard. A lot of the industry will be pivoting to other profitable avenues and I'm looking for any opportunities to make sure that music is as sustainable as possible.
- Who would you partner with (living or dead) for your dream collaboration? And what would you work on together?
Right now I'd love to write a record with Julia Michaels. She's been a part of so many incredible songs in the last few years and it would be amazing to write something with her.
- You're on death row and it's time for your final meal. What'll ya have?
The food wouldn't really matter but I would eat an inhuman amount of whatever it is. No consequences right?
- In a world where you have two hands, all of your pets and loved ones are safe, and your studio is on fire, what do you try to save?
I'd have to choose between a bunch of guitars but I'd probably grab my old Seagull. It's about a quarter of the price of my other guitars and it's totally beat up but it's travelled the world with me and all those memories are wrapped up in the instrument. My mac is backed up to the cloud so I'd grab my Grandmother's old typewriter instead. It's the only other thing that I'd call irreplaceable.
- What is one piece of pop culture (movie, tv, artwork, song, etc.) that no matter how many times you return to it you still draw excitement, movement, or inspiration?
Rubber Soul by the Beatles. It's not even their most popular album but I've always loved t. There's such an interesting selection of songs on that album and I always find something new to get excited about.
- I love useless facts. Impress me with a seriously useless fact!
Hummingbirds are able to understand the concept of numerical order!
- If you could try any profession other than your own, what would you choose to do?
I'd own a woodshop or a studio. Somewhere I could make real, tangible things my hands.
- What is your personal strategy/philosophy when it comes to using social media for your work?
I think you've just got to be your authentic self. In a lot ways you can build a strong and memorable brand by letting people into that part of yourself or your life that they can really engage with. If people can relate to you as a person then they'll engage with the art you create on a whole other level.
Personally I struggle with generating enough good content on a daily basis but, even so, I do think that frequent, high quality content is the key to a good social media presence. - Speaking of social media, where can people find you?
On Twitter @iamdanduke and Instagram @danielduke
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