- What is your name / organization / title?
Blake Stevenson / Jetpacks and Rollerskates / Shopify / UX,Art Direction, Illustration, All the things!
- What motivated you to become a maker?
As a kid I watched a lot of cartoons. Then found out that actual people made them. I then told myself "Well, then I can make stuff too!"
- Looking back on the early stages of your journey, what advice would you give yourself now?
Be creative with everything you do. Embrace the weirdness, it's a super power don't hide it. Eventually people will start to praise you for it.
- What is your favorite thing you’ve ever made? Why?
The first skateboard design I ever did was a pretty big deal. As a kid who was so obsessed with 90s skate culture it was one of my "you've made it moments." Or making my own ideas come to life. There's something magical about creating something out of nothing.
- What’s the next evolution for you (or your industry) going to look like?
I am not a damn fortune teller!
- Who would you partner with (living or dead) for your dream collaboration? And what would you work on together?
I have 2 people and I just admire their work so much. The answer might change given the day/time/mood.
Joe Ledbetter: Toy designer. He was the guy that shifted my head in the direction of fringe/alternative trends. The first time I saw his toy designs it felt special and so different than anything else going on at the moment.
JG Quintel: Creator of Regular Show/Close Enough. Something about his character designs and humour speak to me. It's juvenile but so creative and honestly kind of the narrative that is going in my head at all times.
What would we work on together.... hmm... ANYTHING! toys! posters! pitching cartoon ideas! breakfast cereals! - You're on death row and it's time for your final meal. What'll ya have?
A solid bowl of ramen.
Tacos from reputable taco place with a side of NYC style pizza.
Dole whip or any sort of fruity based frozen yogurt treat.
A nice beer? Something not too hoppy (It won't mix with anything above well). - In a world where you have two hands, all of your pets and loved ones are safe, and your studio is on fire, what do you try to save?
It's 2020 dammit! Most things are saved in the cloud\, watch that sucker burn! ... If I were to grab something, My wooden banana board made from an old water ski and roller skate trucks. It was made for me by a friend and I rode it everywhere, now it sit one my bookshelf as a reminder of a simpler time. Everything else could be replaced or purchased again.
- What is one piece of pop culture (movie, tv, artwork, song, etc.) that no matter how many times you return to it you still draw excitement, movement, or inspiration?
My Yogi Bear DVD collection. I love those Hanna-Barbera cartoons so much. The style and simplicity have always made me get excited to create things.
- I love useless facts. Impress me with a seriously useless fact!
Fact! This question is boring! :P ... I just don't have any useless facts on hand.
- If you could try any profession other than your own, what would you choose to do?
Not sure really. Anything that would take me to other countries and properly experience them.
- What is your personal strategy/philosophy when it comes to using social media for your work?
Show what your doing, try and start a dialogue (it's always hard)... Inject your opinion but only if it is helpful. Don't be a troll. Share in unexpected places, you might find some interesting new followers of your work.
- Speaking of social media, where can people find you?
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