- What is your name / organization / title?
Brooke Barletta/Cutie Cake • Fox & Raccoon/Designer & Photographer
- What motivated you to become a maker?
I got lost in my imagination often as a kid. When I could no longer play make believe I started to create art in various forms. Around the age of 14 I taught myself how to code websites and that got me started on my path as a web/graphic designer.
- Looking back on the early stages of your journey, what advice would you give yourself now?
Don’t be scared - just do it.
- What is your favorite thing you’ve ever made? Why?
My kids 😝 haha no joke. BUT to answer the actual question - my favorite things I’ve made would have to be the designs and plans for events. The process of creating the digital and print material, to the decor, the menu, the music, and the experience is something that excites me every time. I love creating an experience for people to gather around.
- What’s the next evolution for you (or your industry) going to look like?
Handmade products
- Who would you partner with (living or dead) for your dream collaboration? And what would you work on together?
J. R. R. Tolkien! Hmm how about a theme park!
- You're on death row and it's time for your final meal. What'll ya have?
I’ll have a steak and shrimp California burrito, fish taco, and lobster with mashed potatoes. Don’t forget the Coca-Cola.
- In a world where you have two hands, all of your pets and loved ones are safe, and your studio is on fire, what do you try to save?
Old photographs from my parents and grandparents, legal documents, and the hard drives.
- What is one piece of pop culture (movie, tv, artwork, song, etc.) that no matter how many times you return to it you still draw excitement, movement, or inspiration?
Lord of the Rings
- I love useless facts. Impress me with a seriously useless fact!
“Coca-Cola” is the second most-known phrase in the world after “OK.”
- If you could try any profession other than your own, what would you choose to do?
- What is your personal strategy/philosophy when it comes to using social media for your work?
I don’t worry about social media too much. The majority of the work we receive is word of mouth. The way we communicate/treat people personally is most memorable. Social media I use as just a preview of what we are doing but the personal conversations is what causes our business to grow.
- Speaking of social media, where can people find you?
@cutiecakeshop @_foxandraccoon
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